The Company

Outback Tea & Coffee Company (OBTCC) is a 100% Indigenous owned provider of direct coffee and tea services in Australia. Our wide range of products and services are available Australia wide to meet your organisation’s and department’s requirements.  We have the capacity and scale to deliver the highest quality products Australia wide and the Asia Pacific region.


Outback Tea & Coffee Company can provide your company or organisation with full service professional solutions for catering, wholesale and retail.  We have products and solutions to suit every taste and space.


The Outback Tea & Coffee Company has sourced pure Ceylon Tea direct from the Golden Valley in the central hills of Sri Lanka. Our commitment is to deliver a world class quality product that is globally carbon responsible with complete traceability to its origin estates.

Indigenous Business

Outback Tea & Coffee Company is a 100% Indigenous owned business.

We pride ourselves on sourcing premium tea and coffee products and equipment for our customers from around the world.  Offering B2B hot beverage solutions and service to our corporate, government and private sector customers.

Owned by multi award winning Indigenous entrepreneur – Jasmin Herro who is a descendant from the Torres Strait Islands.  She has a comprehensive work and management history in a wide variety of industries.  Jasmin is an advocate for Indigenous and non-Indigenous women in business and supports the Teter Mek Foundation in creating teacher and student resources to help them connect with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, art and culture.


To build commercially viable and sustainable supply chain solutions for our Indigenous and non-Indigenous suppliers, customers and partners that show value and provide clear and transparent social outcomes.

Contact Us

Outback Tea & Coffee Company Pty Ltd

Level 27, 101 Collins Street,

Melbourne, VIC, 3000

1300 211 333